Re-positioning of your business is a constant factor in today’s industry. That means continuous organizational change and major challenges for people on all levels. We specialise in supporting our customers in such situations. Our portfolio covers HR due diligence reports, post-merger integration projects, internal reorganization projects and negotiations in the field of HR management. We provide various services such as interim management, project management and consultancy.
We have an excellent assortment of tools for defining the relevant data, analysing data sets and presenting our recommendations for an intended acquisition. Please click here to find out more.
At first sight, there is not a big difference between post-merger integration and internal reorganization projects. But in the latter case, it is an entirely internal project and well-loved habits sometimes have to be changed. Please have a look here for more information.
Such projects require people who have never met before to work together straight away. We have the necessary experience and skills to form a team in such situations, lead people through rough waters and ultimately reach the defined goals. You can find the details here.
Rapid change means that new things have to be negotiated quickly, be it organisational structures, norms and rules of cooperation, or contracts. Therefore, negotiation skills are becoming more and more a core competence and we support you in this area. Click here to learn more.