Research Project 2:


From our point of view, there are fields of power that are practically unchangeable, or at least can hardly be actively shaped during the negotiation. These fields are based on static resources such as rights guaranteed by law, financial resources, human resources, professionalism of people, consolidated market power. This is what we call static power.


However, there are situations in which actors are unable to assert themselves despite having far superior consolidated power. 


On the one hand, there may be unexpected problems in the other person's team, such as bad luck (someone falls ill, is late, etc.), conflicts within their own ranks (e.g. “friendly fire”), etc. When something like this happens, an unexpected event changes the balance of power in our favour. This is what we call donated power.


On the other hand, one's own behaviour in the interaction at the negotiating table can be controlled. The phenomenon of dynamic social status is particularly interesting here. This is constantly negotiated between the actors and is sometimes also called dominance hierarchy. For example, a football club from the district league beats the actually clearly superior Bundesliga club in the DFB Cup. This may have to do with bad luck or internal quarrels at the Bundesliga club (donated power). However, it is also possible that the underdog has unsettled the superior stars, provoked mistakes in the superior team through certain behaviour, or actively encouraged the arrogance of the stars. This is what we call the use of dynamic power.


In this research project, we want to explore the question of how one can increase one's own dynamic power in social interaction. For this, we look into the handling of “triggers” (stress) from a neurobiological, psychological and sociological perspective, high status and low status (body language, theatre and acting), as well as psychoanalytical concepts on the topics of shame and guilt.


Bibliography (Selection, updated in February 2023):

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  • Wurmser, L.: Die Maske der Scham. Die Psychoanalyse von Schameffekten und Schamkonflikten. Westarp Science Fachverlag, Hohenwarsleben, 7. Auflage, 2017.