Research Project 3:


In a dynamic game of status and power, the question of players arises. If you know the types of players on the opposite side, you can adapt to them and adjust your own game accordingly. There are already a large number of typifications of human consciousness, character and mentality. The distinction between extraverted and introverted types is particularly well known. However, many models are either too complex for practice, or too simple and lack the necessary insight value. Therefore, a suitable and tentative procedure is needed in order to be able to assess the counterpart quickly and accurately – and not only by means of gut feeling.


In this research project, we are trying to create such a suitable and tentative procedure for characterizing and typecasting negotiating partners. This typification also includes the type-specific triggers. These are topics or behaviours that either relax the respective negotiator and lead him or her into the comfort zone, or lead to tension and, in extreme cases, emotional overreactions of the counterpart, and may  provoke mistakes or other desired behaviour.


Bibliography (Selection, updated in February 2023):

  • Friedbert, G. (Hrsg.): DISG-Persönlichkeitsprofil. Verstehen Sie sich selbst besser – schöpfen Sie Ihre Möglichkeiten aus – entdecken Sie ihre Stärken und Schwächen. GABAL Verlag, Offenbach, 15. Auflage, 2000.
  • Hüther, G.: Biologie der Angst. Wie aus Streß Gefühle werden. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 13. Auflage, 2018.
  • Jung, C. G.: Typologie. Herausgegeben von Lorenz Jung. Patmos Verlag, Ostfildern, Rottler, P. / Martin, L.: Die geheimen Muster der Sprache. Ein Sprachprofiler verrät, was andere wirklich sagen. Readline Verlag, München, 2020. 2. Auflage, 2021.
  • Riemann, F.: Grundformen der Angst. Eine tiefenpsychologische Studie. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München, 1989.Entwickle deine Stärken. Readline Verlag, 4. Auflage, München, 2018. 
  • Seyle, H.: The Stress of Life. Revised Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2. Auflage, 1978.